OCAS organises a number of events throughout the year, the costs of which are paid for by the sale of tickets, and these events can be purely social or networking themed. Our aim is to make for memorable experiences in an Oxbridge environment for Members and friends of OCAS. There are also a number of events which are organised only for paid-up OCAS Members (Members who have paid their membership fee for that particular year), and in 2024 these range from horse racing to wine tasting to opera. Paid-up Members also benefit from discounted entry to all our events. With a 300 CZK discount on tickets, it is normally worth becoming a Paid-up Member if you attend three or more events a year (or two if you bring a guest).
Paid-up and Life Members of OCAS are also eligible to attend a number of self-paying events together with all the other paid up Members, which in 2024 include: